I get asked that a lot and not for the reasons most of you think either...LOL! People always ask, you are going walk 60 miles over 3 days for what? Isn't there an easier way to raise awareness about breast cancer? Can't you just write a check? Are you Crazy?
To answer these burning questions:
1. I am walking to raise awareness about breast health and breast cancer. When I was 34 I found a small lump in my own breast. Even though my mother past away from breast cancer I had no clue what steps to take. I called My OB they said they felt nothing, but I could have a mammogram. I didn't want them to think I was crazy, but I knew I would never sleep if there was something there and I did nothing about it. We scheduled the mammogram and the results came back as abnormal they did an ultrasound and still coming back abnormal. I was referred to a wonderful breast surgeon to see what my options were. I went to see her and she was so very helpful. We did ANOTHER mammogram (yes my boobs were flat as a pancake by now...LOL), and saw a small mass. Unsure of what it was and knowing my family history we decided to do a core biopsy. Not the best feeling ever, but if I wanted to know it had to be done. Praise the Lord the results came back with everything being OK. However, at 36 years old every 6 months I get to visit the boob smoosher and make sure things are O.K. Before meeting the surgeon I had no idea about things that I could do to decrease my risks. How by losing weight, eating right, and cutting out certain foods could dramatically reduce my chances. Also before seeing her I had no clue how high my risks were of actually same day hearing the words...."You have cancer". So when asked why I walk it is a very Simple answer..."Because I can."
2. Depends on what you consider easy. Could I sit back and write a check? Sure if I had any extra money :). Could I walk in a walk with less distance? You bet, and I do. Could I just educate from speaking about it? Of course, and I try to at every chance I can. However, for me it is not about taking the easy route (never has been). I need to do something to challenge myself for every muscle that aches I remember those women AND MEN who have hurt for months and years from chemo and treatments. I remember those families that have felt the pain of losing a love one to this. I remember my mother so weak she could barely move saying let's try chemo one more time, this cancer won't take me. I think if they can function every day why can't I give up 3 MEASLY days and 60 Miles to someday find a cure?
3.Yes, my hands are very capable of writing checks (just ask my husband). However, I choose to get out there and physically make a difference. When I am dead and gone I want my 3 daughters to say my mom did all she could to end breast cancer. They know what this cause means to me, and see the dedication I put towards it. I believe it shows them when you take something on you do it full speed. Another plus by walking this much your body gets in shape. When I decided to do this I couldn't even walk a half mile. Now some days I do between 15 to 20 miles in ONE day!!!! I feel great and I know for each pound I lose and each healthy choice I make I am decreasing my chances.
4. Define crazy :). I prefer to call myself compassionate. This charity hits close to home for me. I like to believe I won't stop working for a cure until one is found. Could I walk in all 15 Three Days like some do? I don't think so, but as I learned a long time ago never say never.
So I hope that answers some questions I always hear. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s informative post about men and breast cancer...they get it too.
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